WebApps ⇨ WebComponents

  • 3Minutes


Shadow DOM

  • Spec: Shadow DOM - W3C Editor's Draft
  • Tutorial: Shadow DOM 101 - HTML5Rocks

Latest web-components posts Composing Custom Elements With Slots And Named Slots Styling Your Custom Elements Attributes and Properties in Custom Elements Polyfills and Transpilation for Your Custom Elements all web-components posts. Using slots means that I would be doing just passing HTML and I don't think there is an easy way to iterate through HTML list items. Component I can keep on using components but now I have to convert my old list to an object and add some conditionals to manage to prepare the component for handling HTML formating. CPU Motherboards Offer PCIe® Slots and a Home for the CPU The CPU connects to the motherboard, and provides Peripheral Component Interconnect express (PCIe) slots to connect devices. Depending on the motherboard, you can add video and graphics cards, a Solid State Drive (SSD) and more. Latest web-components posts Efficient Template Rendering Using lit-html Composing Custom Elements With Slots And Named Slots Styling Your Custom Elements Polyfills and Transpilation for Your Custom Elements all web-components posts.

Custom Elements

  • Spec: Custom Elements - W3C Editor's Draft
  • Tutorial: Custom Elements v1 - Google Developers

HTML Imports

Web components named slots machinesSlots

Web Components Named Slots Machines

  • Spec: HTML Imports - W3C Editor's Draft
  • Tutorial: HTML Imports: #include for the web - HTML5 Rocks
Web Components Named Slots

You should always refer to W3C Editor's Draft of each spec. Working Draft should be considered obsolete. Don't refer to Working Draft except as a historical artifact.


WebComponents telcons occur on an as needed basis and are announced on the public-webapps mail list.

Logistics: see Web Components meeting logistics


  • Tuesday May 20th, 2014: http://www.w3.org/2014/05/20-webapps-minutes.html
  • Tuesday June 3rd, 2014: http://www.w3.org/2014/05/27-webapps-minutes.html (got bundled together with DOM3 minutes, sorry).

Proposed Agenda Topics:


Web Components Named Slots No Deposit

  • Please submit agenda topics to public-webapps mailing list.

Web Components Named Slots Games

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