PLC5 read in Logix5000 msg
Plc 5 1/2 Slot Addressing Tool
The 5 means the input module is in slot 5 of the rack (the sixth slot from the left). The 0 means it is channel 0 (the first output channel on that module). NOTE: PLC addresses always start from 0, not 1. This is common among all programming languages. Addressing always starts at zero unless otherwise defined. Keep that in mind as we go along. As you can see, I have a 10 slot CLX rack, with a 1756-ENBT card in slot 1 (address, and two processors, one in slot 0, and one in slot 2. The one in slot 2 is the processor we are going to use for this exercise. When PLC rack is inserted in PLC manager, slots startwith number 1. If I use Allen-Bradley PLSs, the module numbers start with 0. So all the addressing.

Plc 5 1/2 Slot Addressing System
PLC5 read in Logix5000 msg
Plc 5 1/2 Slot Addressing Machines

Plc 5 1/2 Slot Addressing Machine
I am trying to to a PLC 5 read in a Logix 5000 to get data from a PLC 5. I am confused about the routing. Could anyone help.
I have it set up as PLC 5 Type read in the Configuration Tab. The number of elements is 1.
I am trying to configure the routing in the Communication tab.
Here is my path.
Logix processor
slot 2 1756 DHRIO Chnl B Link 2
Node 70 1756 DHRIO Slot 2 Chnl A Link 7
Slot 3 1756 DHRIO Chnk B Link 4
Node 35 PLC 5 Processor
Any hints on the routing would be appreciated. I know I must be missing something simple.