1. If you do want to increase risk, you can also play roulette street bets. 8 street bets gives you a coverage of just under 2/3 of the table of course, the same coverage as 2 columns or 2 dozens bets. So you could bet 7 as a halfway house between playing 2 dozens and the even money bets like red or black.
  2. AND $2 'inside' (on numbers), in your case on 12. You can certainly spread the chips around on number (inside) and play multiple numbers, as long as all the bets total at least $2. I play a LOT of roulette, but I don't play 'Columns' or 1st, 2nd, or 3rd 'twelve's' so I'm not sure where the bets.

How to Win at Roulette. Can you Beat the Roulette Table?

How to Quickly Calculate Roulette Odds and Payouts for Any Bet. The three most popular types of online roulette are American, European and French. While all three of these types of the game have their own differences, the core payout structure of all three of them happens to be the same.

It’s what everyone wants to know, of course. How do you beat the roulette table? Can you beat the roulette table? All these questions! It’s making my wombat head hurt!

On any given day, there will be winners at the table and there’ll be losers. That’s a given. So yes, you can win at the roulette table. The real question is, how to you maximise your chances of being in the first group?

Well, despite what many people might tell you, there is no way of increasing or decreasing the odds that you will get at the table. That is set by the design of the game and is fixed- all casinos offer the same odds on the same games. But what you can do, is to maximise your chances by making the right choice of the games you play and the bets you make. It’s just called betting smart!

Why am I telling you this, I hear you ask? Well, this is freely available information. You can find it on the Internet. We’d rather you were able to find it easily.

So, with that in mind, we have pulled together our top tips for playing roulette. Flatten down your fore-leg fur, and let’s get started!

Low Risk Roulette Bets

10 Roulette Tips

  1. Play European Roulette
    Here’s the big one. Have you noticed that not all roulette tables look alike? And by that we don’t mean the colour of the wheel or the croupier’s hair cut. There are two main types of game: European Roulette and American Roulette. Now they are very similar, with the pay-outs the same for corresponding bets (a bet on the red pays 1:1 on both for example), but the main difference is that American Roulette has an extra zero pocket. As well as a “0” pocket, it has a “00” pocket. And that means if you bet on red, there is twice as much chance of the ball landing in the zero. So always play European, the odds are better.
  2. Play More Outside Bets than Inside Bets
    If you cover a bigger percentage of the table with an Outside Bet like Odd, you are going to win more frequently than if you only cover a few numbers- simply because the probability of the ball landing on your bet is higher. Now, the flip side is that the pay-out is higher for bets like a Straight-Up bet (on one number). This is what’s known as a high variance bet- you won’t see it coming in that often, but when it does it pays nicely. If you are going to play high variance bets like single numbers or Split Bets (low table coverage), make sure you have enough bankroll to stay on the table for a decent amount of time. Otherwise, at least weight your bets to the Outside Bets.
  3. Stop After a Big Win.
    Following on from point 2 (and I know it sounds obvious, but not everyone is disciplined) – take the profit if you win big. It’s just the law of life- if you happen to get really lucky, the chances are that it will be a while before you see that kind of a result again. So you are better off quitting and banking the cash!
    Many experienced players do this. They aim to win big early, and quit- the so called “Hit and Run” strategy. Kerry Packer was a great one for this- but that was on baccarat.
  4. Play French Roulette with La Partage
    Were you paying attention when we were talking through Tip One which was all about game choice? Well, there’s another neat little nugget of information that you should read and store away. You can increase your odds even further if you play French Roulette. Now, the wheel looks exactly the same as a standard European game, but the table layout is slightly different and all of the Outside Bets are in French. But it’s very easy to pick up. The big difference is that French Roulette is called “le Roulette”. Oh, and also there is the Dozens bet which sits to the side of the numbers rather than underneath them. The 1st dozen is called P12 (Premier 12), the middle is M12 (Midi 12) and the last is D12 (Dernier 12). The great thing about French Roulette is that it pays you half your stake back on an evens bet (like red/black or odd/even) if the ball lands in zero. So, not only is there half the chance of the ball ending up in the zero compared to an American game, if it does end up there you get a bit of insurance back. And that increase your overall odds on the game.
  5. Play Roulette Systems Carefully
    If I had a penny for every time someone tried to flog me a roulette system that was guaranteed to win, I’d be a very rich wombat. The bottom line, is that no roulette system is going to alter the odds you get at the table. It’s just not going to happen.
    That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play systems, but maintain a heavy dose of cynicism. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, so its worth spending a bit of time studying them before you wade in.
  6. Make Use of the Free Demos
    One of the things we have tried to do at Wombat Casino, is to make sure that all of our games have free demos that are easy to find and play. I know it’s much more interesting playing for real money, but spend a bit of time on the demo before you bet for real, and then you’ll minimise your chances of making a mistake and betting on something that you didn’t want to bet on. In particular, when playing roulette, make sure you understand if any chips are left on the table after a win. Some games assume you want to “let it ride” after a win. You may need to clear the table- you don’t want to be leaving chips on the table by mistake.
  7. Set a Stop Loss and a Profit Target and Stick to Them!
    Here’s one of the most important roulette tips and why I think that playing roulette systems is no bad thing as it forces you to do this. Before you start, be clear in your head when you are going to leave the table. Have in your mind a stop loss limit and a profit target. If you hit either of them, quit the table!
  8. Take a Break
    Playing roulette should be fun, but the problem with that is that you can lose track of time. Make sure you note down the time you start and set a maximum time at the table. Take regular breaks to make sure that you are thinking clearly. You can always come back to the table later.
  9. Don’t Play the Five Number Bet
    Well, we have already told you to play European Roulette rather than American (see Tip 1). But maybe you want to play it anyway? Perhaps you like betting on two zeros? If you do play American Roulette, don’t bet on the Five Number bet. I don’t mean the number 5, I mean the bet at the top of the table that covers 0,00,1,2,3. And why’s that? Well, it has the worst odds in roulette- hands down. It’s even called the Basket Bet by many players. Avoid it.
  10. Manage Your Bankroll
    Last but not least, try and manage your bankroll. We’ve touched on this above when we talked about setting Stop Loss and Take Profit targets. But there are also other things that you can do like bleeding off profit as you go and keeping the funds away from your play money. Lets say you started with £100 or €100 or $100, and you find that your bankroll has swelled to 250. Why not bank 100 and continue playing with your winnings. Now you are playing with the casino’s money- feels good, doesn’t it!


So there we have our top 10 tips for playing roulette. We can’t say that these tips will guarantee that you win, but if you follow them, you should increase your odds. Remember to enjoy yourself! Only bet with money that you can afford to lose and try and quit the table when you are ahead.

If you're thinking of playing roulette online, however big or small the stakes, you'll need to get up to speed on how roulette betting works. Blindly putting wagers down without having a grasp of the basics can lead to a serious dent in your bankroll. Learn which bets offer the best odds to win and have the highest payouts at any Canadian online casino.

Your Main Bet Options

Roulette bets are divided into two main types: inside or outside. While each offers different odds and payouts, both are subject to the same house edge. American roulette tables have a 5.26% edge and European tables offer a 2.70% edge. Even-money bets placed at European tables with French rules are only subject to a 1.35% house edge.

Inside Roulette Bets

These are the bet spaces located inside the table. Although the inside bets might have higher payouts, they are much less likely to win on any given spin. That said, there's nothing that matches the thrill of hitting a single number for a 35/1 payday!

Bet NameBet DescriptionPayoutAmericanEuropean
Straight UpA wager on a single number: 1-36.35/15.26%2.70%
SplitA wager on the line between two numbers17/15.26%2.70%
StreetAlso called a 'row' bet, this is a wager on three connected numbers such as 6, 5, 4.11/15.26%2.70%
TrioA wager on a corner connecting three numbers such as 0, 2, 3.11/15.26%2.70%
CornerAlso called a 'quad' bet, this is a wager on the corner connecting four numbers such as 2, 5, 1, 4.8/15.26%2.70%
Double StreetAlso called a 'line' bet, this is a wager on the line between intersecting rows covering six numbers.5/15.26%2.70%
BasketA wager on 0, 00, 1, 2, and 3.6/17.89%n/a

Outside Roulette Bets

Outside bets are the best choice for beginners. Particularly, even-money bets including even/odd, black/red and high18/low18. These pay out 1/1 but provide a nearly 50-50 chance to win.

Bet NameBet DescriptionPayoutAmericanEuropeanFrench
Even/OddA wager on eighteen even or odd numbers.1/15.26%2.70%1.35%
Black/RedA wager on eighteen black or red numbers. 1/15.26%2.70%1.35%
High 18This wager covers numbers 19-36.1/15.26%2.70%1.35%
Low 18This wager covers numbers 1-18.1/15.26%2.70%1.35%
ColumnA wager on twelve,non-sequential numbers in a column. 2/15.26%2.70%n/a
DozensA wager on twelve sequential numbers in a row.2/15.26%2.70%n/a

Navigating the Roulette Layout

When you are just starting out in online roulette, it can be difficult to actually find your favourite bets on the table layout. Below is a typical American Roulette table layout.

Hover over the diagram to see where each bet is located, or click on any part of the layout for more info.

First DozenSecond DozenThird Dozen

Below is a typical European table layout:

First DozenSecond DozenThird Dozen

A Closer Look at Roulette Bets

Inside Bets

The inside bets in roulette are, quite simply, found on the 'inside' of the table. They offer the lowest chance to win and the highest payouts. The different types of inside bets are explained below.

Straight Up


The straight up bet is one of the simplest wagers you can make in roulette. These are bets on what the number of the very next spin will be.You can either place bets on multiple single numbers at a time or combine them with outside bets.


Hitting a single number is obviously pretty hard with only a 2.63% – 2.70% chance to win. However, when you win with a straight up bet, you can take advantage of the game's highest payout: 35/1. In other words, for a straight up bet of 1 chip, you would receive 35 chips plus your original chip back on a win.



The split bet is a double straight up bet. You just have to put your chip stack between the two numbers you want to bet on. If either number is shown, you win.


Split bets have the second highest pay out: 17/1. There is only a 5.26% – 5.40% chance that this type of inside bet will win each spin.



Roulette Bets And Payouts

Taking inside bets to the next level, the street bet allows you to bet on a row of three numbers. Put your chips on the far line of a row, and you'll have marked this bet. See the top row of our sample layout.


Now we start to see just a little bit of action as this kind of bet wins 7.89% – 8.11% of the time. It pays out 11/1.



This bet also covers three numbers at a time when chips are placed at intersections connecting numbers on the table.


Like the street bet, the trio also has the potential to win 7.89% – 8.11% of the time and pays out 11/1.



To make a corner bet, put your chip stack at the intersection (or corner) where four numbers meet on the layout.


This type of bet offers a 10.53% – 10.81% chance to win with an 8/1 payout. So, if you bet 1 chip on a corner bet space and the next spin results in a win, then you will receive 8 chips plus your original chip back.

'Many casual gamblers think roulette betting is rather black and red, but nothing could be further from the truth. From inside to outside bets, straights and corners, streets and splits, online roulette has an abundance of betting options.'

Double Street


The double street is just what its name implies - a bet on two 'streets' or rows. You place chips on the far side directly between the two numbers at the end of their respective streets.


Covering six numbers under a single wager gives a double street bet the odds to win of about 15.78% – 16.22% of the time. It pays out 5/1.

Basket / First Five


The basket bet is a wager on 0, 00, 1, 2 and 3. Since it relies on the 00 pocket, it can only be used with American wheels.


TThis bet has a 13.16% – 13.51% chance to win and pays out 6/1. However, with a house edge of 7.89%, it sticks out like a sore thumb as the single worst bet in roulette.

Outside Bets

Unlike inside bets, o, outside bets cover larger portions of the wheel. This is where you will find even-money bets which pay the lowest but give the highest chance to win. The next highest chance bets include columns and dozens. Both cover about a third of the numbers and payout 2/1.

Even / Odd


These bets are very simple to make. Just look for the spaces on the layout labeled 'Even' and 'Odd.' Put your chip stack on whichever space you'd like, sit back and watch the wheel spin. There, told you it was easy, didn't we?

Put your chip stack on whichever space you'd like, sit back, and relax. This bet has the standard 5.26 percent house edge.


Because nearly half of the numbers are even and nearly half are odd, one of the bet spaces is going to win almost every spin. 0 and 00 aren't included in this bet giving the casino its edge. So, this type of bet has a 47.37% – 48.65% chance to win but only pays out 1/1.

Red or Black


This bet is also an even-money wager that covers eighteen numbers at once. Placing a stack on red will cover all the red pockets on the wheel. Placing a stack on black will cover all black pockets. 0 and 00 are green and give the house its edge.


Since most pockets are either red or black, , one of these spaces will win most of the time. Each bet has a 47.37% – 48.65% chance of winning and pays 1/1.

Betting on red or black is one of the most basic roulette bets making it perfect for beginners. Below, you can see what color each numbered pocket is.


High 18


If you bet on high 18, you are wagering that the following spin will result in a pocket numbered 19-36.


Like any even-money bet, the chances of winning are the best of any other bet option, and the payout is the lowest at 1/1. This is another great choice for new Canada players taking online roulette for a spin.

Low 18


As the name suggests, low 18 is the opposite of high 18. It wins when the ball lands in a pocket numbered 1-18.

Wave Bet Roulette


Because this covers nearly half of the wheel-head,it will win around half of the time and pay out 1/1.

Ways To Bet On Roulette



The column bet is like the street bet, but it covers twelve numbers in a column instead of three in a row. There are three columns to choose from. Have a look at the numbers each choice covers below.

Column 1147101316192225283134
Column 2258111417202326293235
Column 3369121518212427303336


Betting on a column covers nearly one-third of the wheel for a 31.58% – 32.43% chance to win and pay out of 2/1. Since it should win around once every three spins, this outside bet offers much less risk than any of the inside bets.



The dozens bet, as the name implies, lets you bet on twelve numbers at a time. However, instead of betting on numbers that lie in the same column on the table, you bet on a dozen numbers in sequential order.

These numbers are broken up into three separate dozens:

First Dozen1-12
Second Dozen13-24
Third Dozen25-36


Just like column bets, these have a nearly 1 in 3 chance to win and pay 2/1.

Best Bet On Roulette Wheel

Picking the Right Bet for You

You now have all the information you need to choose which bet suits your strategy best. Inside bets are best for Canadian players that enjoy a high risk, high reward gaming experience with infrequent, big-money wins. Outside bets are low risk, low reward and work best for players that enjoy more frequent, small wins.

Low Risk Roulette Bets Sites

Learning the basics of betting is just the beginning of your roulette journey. Check out some of our related topics at OnlineRoulette.ca: