It's Not Sorcerer-Sahara-Desert We ship within 1-3 business days of payment cleared, usually sooner. We use a selection of local shipping services. We do not ship to PO boxes. Free Delivery in Metropolitan France. Return - Return You can return a product up to 30 days from the date of purchase. Payment We accept payment by one of the following methods: PayPal We accept payments PAYPAL. C'est pas Sorcier - Barrages Enjoy!
Le magasine de la découverte et de la science.
(This mod is suitable to French people who know C'est Pas Sorcier, the successful French educational television program.)Introducing the famous semi from the main theme of C'est Pas Sorcier!- A specific configuration for the Gavril T75 (white and really powerfull version)
- The Marcel's custom horn (epic)
- A specific skin for the dryvan trailer
- You can customize the license plate (real on: 2725 PN 62)

The name, the logo and the theme of the program belong to France 3 and the group France Television. All rights reserved.
C Pas Sorcier Youtube
C Pas Sorcier

azatgjuaaaz - [YTP FR] C'est pas sorcier, Marcel et Jamy osent tout! (YouTube)
C'est Pas Sorcier Animaux Sauvages
RangerSpatial8 - [YTP FR] Que des petits morceaux (YouTube)